cheat call of duty bllack ops for ps3
Central Intelligence Agency Data System:
At the title screen, use the Right Analog-stick to look down at your hand when you are locked up. Repeatedly press L1 + R1 to escape from the chair. Move around the lab and find a computer. Type in the following commands to activate the corresponding cheats:

DOA - Zombie killing mini-game similar to Smash TV. Use the Left Analog-stick to move and the Right Analog-stick to shoot.
3ARC INTEL - View all intel.
3ARC UNLOCK - Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie mode.
ZORK or HELLO SAILOR - Zork - The Great Underground Empire text adventure game.
DIR - List audio files and pictures for use with CAT command.
CAT or PRINT - Open corresponding file.
WHO - List of login names for use with the RLOGIN command (requires passwords).
LOGIN - Attempt a new session with a corresponding username and password
DIR or LS - Display contents of the current directory.
ENCODE - Encode a string using the CIA's cipher.
DECODE - Decode a string using the CIA's cipher.
MAIL - Open the mail folder for the current user.
FOOBAR - Displays "Fee Fie Foe Foo!"
ALICIA - Alicia virtual therapist game.
HELP - List commands.
At the title screen, use the Right Analog-stick to look down at your hand when you are locked up. Repeatedly press L1 + R1 to escape from the chair. Move around the lab and find a computer. Type in the following commands to activate the corresponding cheats: COMMAND - CHEAT FUNCTION DOA - Zombie killing mini-game similar to Smash TV. Use the Left Analog-stick to move and the Right Analog-stick to shoot. 3ARC INTEL - View all intel. 3ARC UNLOCK - Unlock Dead Ops Arcade and Presidential Zombie mode. ZORK or HELLO SAILOR - Zork - The Great Underground Empire text adventure game. DIR - List audio files and pictures for use with CAT command. CAT or PRINT - Open corresponding file. WHO - List of login names for use with the RLOGIN command (requires passwords). LOGIN - Attempt a new session with a corresponding username and password DIR or LS - Display contents of the current directory. ENCODE - Encode a string using the CIA's cipher. DECODE - Decode a string using the CIA's cipher. MAIL - Open the mail folder for the current user. FOOBAR - Displays "Fee Fie Foe Foo!" ALICIA - Alicia virtual therapist game. HELP - List commands. Terminal access: Access the Central Intelligence Agency Data System. Enter "login" as a command. Use the following usernames and passwords to login. You can then access their documents with the "dir" command or email with the "mail" command. PERSON - USERNAME/(PASSWORD) Bruce Harris - bharris(goskins) D. King - dking(mfk) Adrienne Smith - asmith(roxy) Vannevar Bush - vbush(manhattan) Frank Woods - fwoods(philly) Grigori "Greg" Weaver - gweaver(gedeon) J. Turner - Jturner(condor75) Jason Hudson - jhudson(bryant1950) John McCone - jmccone(berkley22) Joseph Bowman - jbowman(uwd) John F. Kennedy - jfkennedy(lancer) Lyndon B. Johnson - lbjohnson(ladybird) Richard Nixon - rnixon(checkers) Richard Helms - rhelms(lerosey) Richard Kain - rkain(sunwu) Ryan Jackson - rjackson(saintbridget) T. Walker - twalker(radi0) Terrance Brooks - tbrooks(lauren) William Raborn - wraborn(bromlow) Killstreak bonuses: Unlock the following bonuses by getting the corresponding amount of consecutive kills without dying: BONUS - KILLSTREAK/DESCRIPTION Spy Plane - 3 kills; shows enemies on the mini-map (free). RC-XD - 3 kills; remote control car with explosives piloted by killstreak user (1,200 points). Counter-Spy Plane - 4 kills; temporarily disables enemy's mini-map (1,600 points). SAM Turret - 4 kills; airdrop a turret that destroys aircraft (1,600 points). Care Package - 5 kills; airdrop a crate that contains a random killstreak, ammo crate, or special weapon (free). Napalm Strike - 5 kills; airstrike drops fire over an area of the your choice which burns and damages enemies temporarily (2,400 points). Sentry Gun - 6 kills; airdrops anti-personnel sentry gun (3,200 points). Mortar Team - 6 kills; user targets three locations to be shelled by mortars (3,200 points). Attack Helicopter - 7 kills; call in automated attack helicopter to a selected location (free). Valkyrie Rockets - 7 kills; two remote controlled rockets (4,000 points). Blackbird - 8 kills; advanced version of the spy plane that indicates enemies on the map and direction they are facing (4,500 points). Rolling Thunder - 8 kills; B-52 bomber bombs selected location (4,500 points). Chopper Gunner - 9 kills; control door-mounted mini-gun from a helicopter that circles the map; enemies without the Ghost perk are displayed as red dots (5,000 points). Attack Dogs - 11 kills; call in a group of attack dogs (6,000 points). Gunship - 11 kills; pilot a helicopter with rockets and machine guns; helicopter can be destroyed (6,000 points). Multiplayer bonuses: Unlock the following bonuses by reaching the corresponding levels: BONUS - LEVEL Create A Class - Level 4 Contracts - Level 5 Clan Tag - Level 6 Game Mode Challenges - Level 8 Killstreaks, Killstreak Challenges, Playercard Emblems - Level 10 Combat Record - Level 13 Medal Challenges - Level 15 Gun Emblems - Level 16 Gun Tag - Level 19 Elite Challenges - Level 20 Camo - Level 22 Custom Reticules - Level 25 Custom Lenses - Level 28 Final Challenges - Level 30 Facepaint - Level 31 Prestige Mode - Level 50 Prestige Leaderboard, Custom Class 6 - Prestige 1 Custom Class 7 - Prestige 3 Custom Class 8 - Prestige 5 Custom Class 9 - Prestige 7 Custom Class 10 - Prestige 9 Face Tattoos - Prestige 11 Clan Tag Colors - Prestige 13 Golden Camo - Prestige 14 Prestige Playlists - Prestige 15 |
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