Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos Cheats

Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
GreedIsGood [amount] Note - Default is 500.
Fast Build
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Submitted By NBLSU
Fast Death
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Gold Skulls in the Training Level
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
KeyserSoze [amount](i.e. 'keysersoze 50000' will give you 50000 gold) Note - Default is 500.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
LeafItToMe [amount] Note - Default is 500.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
No Defeat
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
No Victory
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Show Map
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Entry location:
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Press ENTER to get the message box and put in a code, then press ENTER again to activate.
Find the enemy with out cheating
If you think you beat the
level but it wont say it most likely there is one more thing out there.
if you press Tab{on the key board}the map will turn black and the enemy
will turn their color. Therefore it will be easy to spot the enemy.
Perfect Army
Ok this only works for the
frozen throne. ok first do all your cheats then separate the type of
humans. (what I mean if human, elf, and dwarf). train the archmage and
the blood mage heroes. then 2 sorceress then 3 priests then 5 spell
breakers. then separate then far away. then 4 knights and 8 footmen.
separate them. then 4 dwarves bomber guys and 8 riflemen. separate them.
then have the humans, and dwarfs right click over all of them to follow
the blood mage and u have one heck of a strong army
Hungry Hungry Lizard
Ok this is not really a code
but a funny thing to see when oon the orc campaign on the level where u
go inside the cave to find the oracle when you gain control of cairne go
straight you will fight some humans then turn right and you'll fight
some more humans then go straight and you'll see a lizard that doesn't
attack you but eats mushrooms and burps. funny eh?
Submitted By soulfire_x
Help On Final Level
Alright, first of all start
up by getting more gold at the other mine. I suggest u begin to
research right away, since then when u have troops your upkeep goes
higher, and you don't get so much money. After u have that done, start
building up a defense. make moon wells at the front of your base, and
the ancient protectors behind them. the computer is sometimes dumb, and
the enemies just run around at the front of the moon wells, and the
eventually die. After the defense, start making people. I suggest
archers (fully upgraded) and druid of the claws. (research bear form)
when your allies call for assistance, don't waste your guys. send your
heroes, and when the begin to die, use a special power and get out of
there. if you want to, go to the mercenaries and get those free people,
the bad part is that they take up food, so don't buy too many. the key
part in this mission is to stall as long as you can. if that defense
doesn't work out, (the lich king unusually puts death and decay on it)
spread your guys out, and that splash damage is ineffective. if the
lich does do death and decay, but u still win the battle, immediacy
start building again, but the lich will return, so spared your acn.
protectors out. Hippogriff with riders also work well here too.
Submitted By g.s.b
Beat the Stage With the Auroras
Well the first thing you do
is build up your base and farms. Then you get a ton of banshees, then
you get a few warriors and a hero. Run inside the aurora, and attack a
opponent base therefore provoking them to attack. once they attack use
your banshees to posses them. Then you can walk in the auroras and not
get hurt. Leave your warriors and your hero at the base to defend it.
Submitted By josh i
Defensive Strategy
When you are going to attack
or defend your camp, just make at least 10-15 grunts, footmen, archers
and protectors, or crypt fiends and 1-2 heroes, and you can attack any
base. for defending, just make a bunch of arrow or spirit towers around
your base. you will be IMMORTAL!
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